E-commerce Systems

PC Training College

E-commerce Systems

Price : R7499.00 .(Per Student, includes Training Material)

Duration : 8 Teaching Weeks (9:00am – 12:00pm)

Pre-requisite : N/A

Course Introduction

The COURSE exposes you to describe what E-Commerce is, how it is being conducted and managed and what are the major opportunities, limitations, issues and risks are.

Course; Aims and Objectives

  • Exposes you to the knowledge and depth of how e-commerce emerged and change our business and social structures
  • You will explore how e-commerce technological challenges have forced global corporate enterprises to acquire faster and better communication facilities.

On completion of this module the candidate will be able to identify and understand the following:

  • The fundamental aspects of E-Commerce including knowledge of the history of the internet and its influence on E-Commerce
  • How E-Commerce deal with customers relationship management, resource planning, supply chain management, procurement and knowledge management.
  • Locate and interpret E-Commerce marketing statistics in order to effectively plan E-Commerce marketing Strategies.
  • Recognize how and why E-Commerce is increasingly being integrated into the modern business model
  • Research information about software, hardware and service providers
  • Implementation costs, transactions and security concerns, staffing issues related to E-Commerce and the international Market place.

What are the benefits of this module?

  • Knowledge and history of E-Commerce
  • Effect of E-Commerce in the modern world
  • The difference in business principles between E-Commerce and General Business.
  • Components of E-Commerce.


The syllabus sets out the specific knowledge and skills that make up this programme, as informed by input from subject matter experts from a wide range of computer societies and organisations.


Classroom Training

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Corporate Training

Attend our training sessions based on your timetable issued upon enrolling for a course.

Our training sessions are held in Phoenix, 10 Crete St (entrance on Phoenix Highway)

Training Material will be provided.

Contact Hours: 3 hours (2 hours lecture + 1 hour’s lab tutorial)

No. of weeks: 8 teaching weeks + 1 Final examination week + 1 week Midterm

Teaching Pattern: Lecture + Tutorial

Course not available online

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